[Editorial] An Advice to Senator Andy Kim(D-N.J.) (January 17, 2025).

[Subtitle] Andy Kim, Senator Andy Kim, Korea, Koreans, the United States, and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Andy Kim was elected as the first Korean American Senator of and in the United States. As Senator Kim already know, or as he must, may, or can know, we really recommend that he does NOT have to try to help the Republic of Korea intentionally, deliberately, calculatively, or conspicuously. All that he has to do is just to continue to show his allegiance towards the United States Constitution.

The writer of this editorial and the editor and publisher of this newspaper(The American Newspaper) is one of the Korean immigrants here in the United States, too. The only difference between Sen. Kim and the publisher is that Sen. Kim is the second generation of the immigration, and the publisher is the first generation of the immigration. That means that both of them have Korean roots and are such descendants of the Korean ancestors.

When the publisher decided to immigrate to the United States, and decided to be, voluntarily, proudly, and in an imposing or dignified manner, one of the core members, participants, contributors, and eventually patriots here on this soil, he decided to repect and perform the pledge of the allegiance, loyalty, and fidelity towards the U.S. Constitution.

That is the desirable, mature, wise, and legal way how the Korean immigrants or their descendents not only contribute to this American society, but also really help, requite, or make requital towards their native soil, where they came from and, whose name is the Republic of Korea(South Korea).

The Editorial of the American Newspaper.

Published: January 17, 2025, Friday (01/17/2025) at 2:10P.M.(pm).


1. Wikipedia(the free encyclopedia), Andy Kim (politician), “Andy Kim”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Kim_(politician).

2. The American Newspaper, https://americannewspaper.org, (The American Newspaper = “Media Service for the Opinion Leaders in the United States of America”).